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Online Workshop Helps Public, Animal Control Ease the Burden on Shelters Overwhelmed by Kittens
Community Cats Podcast, in partnership with Neighborhood Cats, will hold it’s popular Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) Certification Workshop on Saturday, May 6 from 2 – 4:30 p.m. EDT.
The TNR Certification Workshop has been endorsed by the National Animal Care and Control Association (NACA), and continuing education credits are available for animal control professionals who attend.
Kitten season is in full swing! This phenomenon, coined by staff and volunteers involved in animal rescue, occurs each spring when free-roaming outdoor cats become pregnant and have their kittens outdoors. Many animal shelters are quickly inundated and overwhelmed by the number of kittens needing care. Fortunately, Trap-Neuter-Return can help decrease the number of kittens being born outside and brought to the shelter.
From animal control to the general public, anyone with a passion for helping cats and kittens is encouraged to register and learn from trappers who have been in the field for more than 20 years. This workshop covers best practices for TNR and colony management, including all planning and preparations for successful trapping, and how to help outdoor cats through the cold winter months. There will also be time for questions from attendees, which will be answered in real time by the experts from Neighborhood Cats. Bring your toughest questions!
All attendees will receive a certificate after taking a short quiz and gain access to an exclusive Facebook group to continue networking with other caregivers.
Session duration is 2.5 hours followed by optional 15-minute Q&A. Registration is $10 and includes access to the recorded session, handouts, and certificate, as well as access to a Facebook discussion group exclusively for trappers and folks actively engaged in community cat programs.
More information about the webinar is available here. The TNR Certification Workshop is offered monthly. Anyone interested in attending can register at
Individualized training opportunities for organizations are available upon request. Interested parties should email Stacy LeBaron at to learn more about collaborating with Community Cats Podcast.
Neighborhood Cats helps caretakers, animal shelters, and every day community members help outdoor cats. Their team extends from New York City to Maui. They regularly lead workshops to help anyone learn how to TNR and maximize their life saving through mass trapping and targeting. The webinar will be led by Bryan Kortis, National Programs Director, and Susan Richmond, Executive Director. For more information about Neighborhood Cats, visit
The Community Cats Podcast is the brainchild of Stacy LeBaron. Stacy has been involved in cat welfare for almost 30 years. She started the Community Cats Podcast as a way to virtually connect people who are passionate about cats and helping them in their community. Since 2016, she has released almost 500 episodes of the podcast and hosted over a hundred online events motivating individuals and organizations to think proactively about their cat programs. For more information about Community Cats Podcast, visit, or get in touch with Stacy directly at or 978-239-2090.
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