Santa Claws

The holiday season just wouldn’t be complete without some entertainment from one of our favorite feline characters – the hangry, but always lovable Simon’s Cat. Check out this delightful short video aptly described as “A curious cat discovers Christmas.” This’ll ring true for most of us cat lovers during the holidays!

Santa Claws

Be sure to check out all the antics and escapades at @simonscatofficial.

Since we’re on the topic of cute cat videos, we thought we’d share two more of our all time favorites.

The first, originally shown in 2000 at Super Bowl XXXIV, shows cowboys herding thousands of cats across the Montana prairie. Created for EDS, the multinational information technology company, it was even cited by then-President Bill Clinton as his favorite commercial. It never ceases to bring a smile to our faces.

Herding Cats

Cats with Thumbs

This 2011 meowsterpiece was a Cravendale milk ad that envisages a world in which cats have thumbs. Imagine a world like that!

We hope you enjoyed and wish everyone a safe, happy and healthy holiday season!

The post Santa Claws first appeared on The Purrington Post.