WIN an ‘Ask Your Cat’ Card Deck!

It’s obvious that cats have life figured out way better than us humans. If only there was a way we could tap into their genius…


The Ask Your Cat Deck finally gives humans access to a cat’s limitless brilliance. Each card offers a different answer to life’s burning questions. Now you can tap into your cat’s genius with these 50 answer cards loaded with cattitude.

Need more proof? Check out these quotes from people who have the cards already and love them!

  • As a Certified Crazy Cat Lady (CCCL), this card deck is so spot on that it might be written by actual cats! The humor in the card responses is sharper than my cats’ claws!” -Devin D.
  • “This deck helped me understand that my cat is just like one opposable thumb away from evolving into a serial killer…and I appreciate that.” -Jeff N.
  • “My cat Louie chewed up my first deck. Was he afraid that I’d finally learn all of his cat secrets? I think I’ve just talked myself into getting another deck!” -Jill H.
  • “I love my Ask Your Cat Deck so much because I feel like I’m getting my cat’s wisdom without any high maintenance payback.” -Maria N.
  • “These cards are a riot! The brutal honesty is strangely comforting, and it’s become my new go-to for guidance and a good laugh. A must-have for all cat lovers.” -Kelly E.
  • “This deck is a real treat for both humans and their feline overlords. Highly recommended for a good laugh and some kitty wisdom!” -Jacqueline W.
  • “This deck is scary accurate. In fact, my cat is threatening to sue.” -Mari W.

How about these two quotes from celebrity cat lovers:

Check out the video below for a cat’s purrspective on how the cards work:


We are so excited to announce that creator (Wendy Miller) kindly offered us 3 decks of Ask Your Cat for three lucky Purrington Post readers to WIN! How pawsome is that!


This contest will end on February 20th, 2024 and is available to U.S. residents only. To enter you simply need to submit a comment in our “Leave a Reply” section at the bottom of this page saying:

My cats [names of your cats] and I would love to win an Ask Your Cat deck, and the first question I would ask is [your question]

The 3 winners will be chosen by the Ask Your Cat team from all the correctly submitted entries and contacted by email on or around February 27th, 2024. Have fun with your submission.

Mini Bio

The creator of “Ask Your Cat” is Wendy Miller – Founder and Chief Creative Weirdo of Card To Believe LLC. A life-long animal lover, during a meditation she was once visited by a cat who inspired her to create a different answer deck that’s a tribute to the smartest beings on earth, Cats. Wendy knew she was onto something special when her team previewed the deck at CatCon and got non-stop love. Since then, the Ask Your Cat Kickstarter was fully funded in just five days! Wendy even donates a portion of all profits from the card deck sales to support cat charities. 

The post WIN an ‘Ask Your Cat’ Card Deck! first appeared on The Purrington Post.